Information Technology Alliance

"Empowering Innovation, Mastering Technology"

About Us

Learn More About Us

The Information Technology Alliance (ITA) is a non-political student organization dedicated to advancing the welfare of students at the Central Campus of Technology. Our mission is to amplify the student voice and champion their well-being within the campus community.

  • Comprised of students from various academic batches.
  • 11 dedicated board members.
  • As a 100% non-political entity, our focus remains squarely on addressing the needs and concerns of our fellow students.

At ITA, we serve as the conduit for your voices and issues, ensuring they are heard and acted upon. Our collective aim is to foster a supportive environment conducive to success in the IT industry. We are committed to resolving academic challenges, providing assistance, and fostering collaboration among students to cultivate a skilled and proficient IT workforce.

Join us as we pave the way for a brighter future in the realm of Information Technology.

Board of Members

Total students in IT

Teaching staff


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