Course Structure

First Semester

BIT 101 - Introduction To Information Technology

BIT 102 - C Programming

BIT 103 - Digital Logic

MTH 104 - Basic Mathematics

SCO 105 - Sociology

Second Semester

BIT 151 - Microprocessor And Computer Architecture

BIT 152 - Discrete Structure

BIT 153 - Object Oriented Programming

STA 154 - Basic Statistics

ECO 155 - Economics

Third Semester

BIT 201 - Data Structure And Algorithms

BIT 202 - Database Management System

BIT 203 - Numerical Methods

BIT 204 - Operating System

MGT 205 - Principles Of Management

Fourth Semester

BIT 251 - Web Technology I

BIT 252 - Artificial Intelligence

BIT 253 - System Analysis And Design

BIT 254 - Network And Data Communications

ORS 255 - Operations Research

Fifth Semester

BIT 301 - Web Technology II

BIT 302 - Software Engineering

BIT 303 - Information Security

BIT 304 - Computer Graphics

ENG 305 - Technical Writing

Sixth Semester

BIT 351 - Net-Centric Computing

BIT 352 - Database Administration

BIT 353 - Management Information System

RSM 354 - Research Methodology

Elective I

Seventh Semester

BIT 401 - Advanced Java Programming

BIT 402 - Software Project Management

BIT 403 - E-Commerce

BIT 404 - Project Work

Elective II

Eight Semester

BIT 451 - Network System Administration

BIT 452 - E-Governance

BIT 453 - Internship

Elective III

Elective I

BIT 355 - Geographical Information System

BIT 358 - Society And Ethics In IT

( Note: There are only 2 electives running in our campus for 6th sem. Further Electives are not yet decided. All the electives are not runned by campus. )